The Chancellor Hotel & Conference Centre i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoThe Chancellor Hotel & Conference Centre


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5, Saint Ann's Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad y Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-623-0883
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6771862, Longitude: -61.5105746

kommentar 5

  • en

    stacy smith


    Very beautiful venue. Huge and affordable rooms and very helpful staff

  • sheornay thomas

    sheornay thomas


    Spacious rooms. Breakfast quality could be improved

  • en

    Reuel Burkett


    Great spot to chill and relax. The ambience is fantastic!!~~

  • en

    Waqia Belgrave


    Lovely staff, beautiful pool, quiet neighbourhood. Perfect place to get away in the city.

  • Sum Sum

    Sum Sum


    Pros:Beautiful Hotel. Breakfast was great everyday. Staff were accommodating and were always willing to assist. An additional plus is that we were able to see the fireworks from the hotel, so we didn't have to leave. Pool was clean although for me a bit deep. Cons: The bar was poor. They had no ingredients to make coctails/mjxed drinks. Was only able to serve bottled drinks. Internet was horrible in my room, you had to go outside to the pool to get wifi which was frustrating. Will definitely stay again once I'm sure the internet service has improved.

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