Patricia's Guesthouse i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPatricia's Guesthouse


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Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-625-5647
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6788736, Longitude: -61.5087812

kommentar 5

  • Teccla Andrews

    Teccla Andrews


    The kitchen is not very sanitary too much cockroaches, the kitchen cupboards needs to be cleaned, and proper utensils need to be placed in kitchen, the kettle outside was burnt up like it was been used on fireside so cud you imagine what the inside looked like, the microwave is totally messed up it cannot warm food the inside is brown I don't know if it's the aging or it was burnt but no matter what you placed in it there were challenges in getting things warmed , the mattresses are too small for most of the beds, had to keep the lights on all the time there is no natural light or air flow coming into the rooms. The location is great and partly secure environment.

  • Asante Caruth-Dilworth

    Asante Caruth-Dilworth


    Patricia and her family aren't hosts to us they are family. My family and I have been going here for years. They are sweet and courteous and their rooms are ALWAYS clean and very comfortable. I would recommend this place to any and everyone

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    Great customer service, nice environment

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    Precious Gem


    Convenient location, secured parking, very friendly and supportive management. It's like a home away from home.

  • Avalon Drakes

    Avalon Drakes


    Wow I like how it is close to the capital transport was easy and parking for your car if u rent bathrooms included a plus.

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