Hilton Trinidad & Conference Centre i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoHilton Trinidad & Conference Centre



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Lady Young Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-624-3211
internet side: www3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6719602, Longitude: -61.5087976

kommentar 5

  • Geneve Jackson

    Geneve Jackson


    I attended a couple of conferences here and I must admit the place is very beautiful and scenic. I love the view over looking the Queens Park Savannnah and the City of Port Of Spain.

  • Messi Blue

    Messi Blue


    Very professional and friendly staff. Breakfast choices were awesome. Will definitely come again.

  • en

    Dada Lexi


    My family and I stayed at the Hilton hotel for 7 days for our spring break. Up to a certain point the service was ok . Some people at the reception have no business being there. They were rude and unfriendly, my husband was even ignored once by a female staff. The stay was fairly good, until we return home. 2 days after our stay, we have developed a skin infection. we have bed bug bites. The mattresses in the room where we stayed are infested with bed bugs. it's freaking unbelievable. it's a Hilton hotel for good sake! for the amount it costs per night something like that should not happened.I'm beyond Pissed!!

  • Rawl R

    Rawl R


    THE BAD: The bed always felt wet either because of the humidity (which they should look into) or not being fully dried after washing. This was the case for several days for me. In addition, the carpet in the room was very worn out. It's definitely time to replace the carpet, I would expect better from the chain like the Hilton. Also the pool was not impressive at all given all the hype and money put into it. The food (which was bleh- nothing special) & drinks were a little bit overpriced. THE OK: The elevator floor plan is rather weird but you get used to it. THE GOOD: Good location near the Savannah. No complaints about the service, the gym was good. Appealing overall energy & atmosphere. I liked the wooden hallways. The unique layout of the hotel with different sections is both good & bad depending on your scenario.

  • Samuel Greenidge

    Samuel Greenidge


    Stayed there a couple of nights. Enjoyed it both times. I heard they renovated their pool. The breakfast is great. The dinner is alright , but they have a restaurant there Luce that sells great sushi ..I recommend the crunchy crunch. Their lounge bar also serves pizza and other stuff. Overall a nice retreat from the hustle and bustle.

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