Monique's Guest House i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoMonique's Guest House


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114-116, Saddle Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad og Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-628-3334
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6975876, Longitude: -61.5150529

kommentar 5

  • Felix Watson

    Felix Watson


    Good location,Good rooms ,not five star hotel

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    Shantal Munro- Knight


    I gave this guesthouse a four not so much because of the physical plant but the staff is extremely helpful and nice. The rooms are small but clean. The hotel is not necessarily for family type stay but if you want a short stay then Monique would be suitable. It is relatively close to Port of Spain but the traffic is very bad on mornings.

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    Precious Gem


    Quiet place to lay your head for a day or two

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    Antonio Taylor


    The rooms are fantastic for the price, spacious, high ceilings and great views of you're on the balcony. The staff is incredibly accommodating when it comes to special requests. If they can do it, they will do. Highly recommended.

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    Regina Cunha


    To the Management and Staff at Monique's Guest House Thank you all for the peaceful six weeks of rest at your Guest House .It was a pleasure to experience first hand the comrade among your staff members and family.You are all truly a unique family loving and helpful .I was very impressed with the clean and beautiful surroundings that Monique 's offered ..Monica Charbonne you are truly a lady of class no wonder your family friends and staff respect and love you.May GOD bless and protect your family and Business and may you all prosper in the New Year 2017

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