JTA Supermarkets i Couva

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoJTA Supermarkets



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Isaac Junction, Couva Shopping Complex, Couva, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-636-2446
internet side: www.jtasupermarkets.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.422835, Longitude: -61.453378

kommentar 5

  • Brian Browne

    Brian Browne


    Not bad for a local neighborhood grocery, the best in the couva area, but less well stocked than Massy in a number of key areas: eg seaoned meats, vegetable and fruits available....

  • Krishna Boodhan

    Krishna Boodhan


    Cashiers have claimed on more than one occasion that the points system (Magna) machine was not working and to bring the receipt at my next visit and it will be loaded. Total of three visits, same story. I reached out to management/customer service via their online correspondence, with was automatically acknowledged but never responded to. Very poor service for a loyal customer.

  • Marlene Robinson

    Marlene Robinson


    Good shopping except not everyone like pushing those big carts😠

  • Rakesh Bahadur

    Rakesh Bahadur


    It is OK with a large variety of items and that include my favourite pastries section, but what I find is that a lot of the items don't have price or the price tag is unrecognisable.

  • Paul Thompson

    Paul Thompson


    Staff here are always courteous and helpful. I always enjoy my shopping experience. Its stress less and comfortable, the lanes are clean and wide, the products well labelled with prices etc and much variety to choose from. Would not change shopping at JTA Couva for the world. Thank you staff for my continued stress less shopping experience. GREAT JOB!!!!.

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