JTA Supermarkets i Marabella

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Trinidad og TobagoJTA Supermarkets



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Southern Main Road, Allum's Centre, Marabella, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-658-1425
internet side: www.jtasupermarkets.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.3030421, Longitude: -61.4491931

kommentar 5

  • Kellyann Murray-Ali

    Kellyann Murray-Ali


    JTA is a really good supermarket. Parking is sometimes a challenge, but it's a pretty big grocery, and they carry a broad range of products.

  • A M

    A M


    JTA Marabella is an unclean rundown grocery. They are in the right location so customers are guaranteed. Why change if you are making truck loads of money. Prices are comparable with Massy on most items. Be prepared to wait by the cashier for at least 30 mins.

  • Wendy Leanna Karamath

    Wendy Leanna Karamath


    The setup of the grocery definitely needs a new look and ambience. The refrigerators didn't have drinks such as Nestlé kids pack drinks or ice cream sandwiches.

  • Ria Taylor

    Ria Taylor


    Been shopping here for many years and honestly I have lost interest, there is nothing superb in the shopping experience, levels of cleanliness and quality I'd give a three star rating. However this is the most conveniently located supermarket in Marabella with lots of parking but the evolution of the shopping experience is definitely slow, there is also a lack, be it intentional or not, of price labelling. From my experience if you check the cost of the items in your cart, you are bound to get a shocker at the cashier, additionally the trend of inconsistent pricing occurring in the country seems to also be practiced without a notice. So if you are a family that budgets you can count on your frustration levels being elevated.

  • Anthony Rostant

    Anthony Rostant


    Marabella outlet is good always clean and staff is helpful,security also very friendly but the cashiers are limited so the wait is long to cash out and sometimes you have to help the cashier pack your groceries.

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