PriceSmart i Endeavour

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPriceSmart



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Narsaloo Ramaya Marg Road, Endeavour, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-665-9084
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.5286694, Longitude: -61.4076512

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Burgan

    Matthew Burgan


    It was nice... The customer service is alright, the product offerings are somewhat expansive and the prices aren't too bad, the lines are a bit long however, but I suppose that's because there are tons of customers there daily

  • Keana Madden

    Keana Madden


    The fact that they're literally NOT allowing customers in even if they're married or come from the same house together on ONE card is literally degrading... Only good if you're going to buy things like toilet paper and napkins I would suggest... Don't waste your time

  • Emily Seegobin

    Emily Seegobin


    In this unusual time, PriceSmart should be more flexible with it's policies and recognize that the designated shopper in a household may not always be the cardholder and allow anyone entry once the card is valid. A valid card means that member was paid. Now is not the time to be hard and fast with the rule that the card must be present. What if they have flu-like symptoms, what if they are in quarantine, what if they have an autoimmune disease and don't want to expose themselves. Come on PriceSmart, you need to make some concessions at this time.

  • Beulahland Esther Ali

    Beulahland Esther Ali


    Always goes to price . Value for your money

  • Vidya B

    Vidya B


    Staff can be more helpful as they were in beginning. They seem unmotivated.

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