The Skin Health Institute - Dr. Rachael Eckel i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoThe Skin Health Institute - Dr. Rachael Eckel



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Anderson Terrace, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-7546
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.682354, Longitude: -61.521166

kommentar 5

  • Chief Chatterbox

    Chief Chatterbox


    Had an amazing experience at The Skin Health Institute as I got my first hydra facial! The entire team and overall customer experience was superb! Highly recommended! Great coffee too!

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    Juliet Eckel


    Being of fair skin and having lived spending most of our holidays and weekends sunbathing and swimming in the rays of the tropical sun, my skin paid dearly for this as I aged with an abundance of freckles and stains which became larger and darker by the time I reached my sixties. Three years ago, Dr. Eckel treated my facial skin at The Skin Health Institute over a period of 6 months, and I now have clean, smooth-textured, healthy, glowing skin. Her incredible knowledge and dedication to skin never ceases to amaze me, and I just love my great results. The simple, easy routine she has put me on to follow, continues to keep my skin in excellent condition. Her clean, state of the art, modern facilities and services she offers at SHI all add to the beautiful experience one can experience going there. 5 stars for her and her Team!

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    Stuart D’Arcy


    What an amazing experience from beginning to end!!! From the second I walked into the institute, I felt at home. The building alone blew me away. There was no shortage of information given to me prior and during my procedure. I felt very comfortable and pampered. I had coolsculpting done on my flanks and the results are already amazing and even though I still have a couple months before my final results, I could not be happier. I would trust them with anything. I have also seen the results, in person, of many of her clients and I am blown away by the results of their skin transformation. I will definitely be flying back down for a visit or two or three. 5 star treatment all the way!!!!

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    Shaniece Pillai


    The Skin Health Institute is second to none in Trinidad. The ambience, cleanliness, modern design and 1st class service is honestly in a category of its own. Dr. Eckel is truly one of kind- changing lives everyday and educating so many, her passion and knowledge is conspicuous.

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    Nadia Manna


    Dr Eckel and her team are a God send! The clinic is beautiful. The staff is knowledgeable in every aspect. I suffered with acne for many years and spent thousands on products that never worked. My acne and scarring cleared within days and weeks upon starting the ZO skin health line. Thank you Dr Eckel for building my confidence and giving me my dream skin! 😊

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