Azalea Health Services i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoAzalea Health Services



🕗 åbningstider

68, Rosalino Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-236-2160
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.664783, Longitude: -61.524265

kommentar 3

  • Kevica Richards

    Kevica Richards


    Best service ever 👌👍

  • Kay Chung

    Kay Chung


    I currently live on a sailboat. When I need to see a doctor in a different country; I usually get some local opinions, or do some research on the Internet. In Trinidad, I Googled a Gynecologist and decided to visit Dr. Joseph’s Office because of the following reasons: 1. Dr. Joseph’s website shows a concise and itemized cost list of the consultation and various tests. Knowing the price of everything, I can budget an approximate cost prior to seeing a doctor. 2. When I read Dr. Joseph’s profile, I liked the fact that she was educated and practiced in the USA for a long time (I am a US Citizen.) 3. I prefer a female Gynecologist. It turned out that my decision to see Dr. Joseph was one of my best doctor experiences. Dr. Joseph listened to my problems attentively, examined me thoroughly, and diagnosed carefully. In addition, she made extra efforts researching my issues online and even sent me some information to read. Her staff responded nicely and kindly. The office was clean and comfortable. After having the lab tests, I was glad to receive the test result by email with her notes. I was 120% happy with my office visit. I am even thinking about flying to see her from the USA when I need a Gynecologist once I am done with sailing. Dr. Joseph and her staff, Big Thumbs Up! Kay Chung on S/V Bad Bunny

  • karen joachim

    karen joachim


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