San Fernando Hill i San Fernando

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoSan Fernando Hill



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San Fernando, Trinidad og Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-653-9563
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Latitude: 10.2817507, Longitude: -61.45616

kommentar 5

  • Alicia Francois

    Alicia Francois


    Very scenic view. Wonderful play park for the children. Great hill for early morning challenge workout.

  • Lana Wiggins

    Lana Wiggins


    Its a beautiful land mark, where you and the entire family can go. Literally see San Fernando from an another view. Also good for wedding receptions and pics for the bridal party

  • Matthew Monroe

    Matthew Monroe


    Scenery, Nature, Family, Sporting Activity, Picnic, Washroom Facilities & A view above flying birds. Great place to spend quality time with family and friends. 👍

  • en

    Kennedy Wong


    When I was kids, I use to come and play here and have great wonderful time. It has been almost 20 years I didn't came here until now. Almost everythings look same as it is. Parking availiable, public restroom, and playground for kids'. Interesting and you can get almost clear view of city of San Fernando. This my home town and God bless

  • danny xcon

    danny xcon


    Nice the place a can be rented out for weddings and reception but if you just show up and want to visit the area be prepared to be turned down unexpectedly because I haven't seen any number to call or and email to make sure that don't happens being turned away because there is a function being held.

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