Royal Botanic Gardens i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoRoyal Botanic Gardens



🕗 åbningstider

Circular Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-1221
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6749322, Longitude: -61.5121439

kommentar 5

  • Mr Nigel Telesford

    Mr Nigel Telesford


    tranquil, relaxing, amazing space - great for family picnics and outings, personal soul searching or reflection, contemplation and immersion into the best flora and fauna with little dangers or interruptions..

  • Andrew Suttle

    Andrew Suttle


    Lovely place for a wander in the centre of Port of Spain. Maybe a half hour stroll to the top and back, but a delightful range of trees, shrubs and a herb garden tucked into the middle. Hard to believe that the Savannah, with the busy road running around it, is right there!

  • Cheniece Clairmont

    Cheniece Clairmont


    The environment is very picturesque and serene during the days however the afternoon periods are quite active with regulars who usually participate in group exercises or walking their dogs

  • GE Phillips

    GE Phillips


    Great progress has been made. Ideal place for family picnic. Can also be seen from the Zoo.

  • David Latham

    David Latham


    I haven't been to the gardens since last Easter and I was delighted to see upgraded huts to have the entire family and friends lime. It's very relaxing and ideal for a picnic. Things to note: no kite flying is allowed and no loud music from portable speakers. Have fun

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