Queen's Park Savannah i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoQueen's Park Savannah



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Queen's Park East, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-1670
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6686111, Longitude: -61.5147222

kommentar 5

  • en

    Aditya Vartak


    Biggest open ground in country..approx 3.2km with lot of trees..best for family outing and play games..most happening place in the town..safe and secure

  • en

    Callista Sirjoo


    I always love going to the Queens Park Savannah, I take my morning walk plus exercise there. I also take my grandson kite flying; and my husband enjoys a delicious snowcone,coconut water, ousters and we also love visiting the food court where we get a variaty of local cusiene to eat.

  • Hazel Bain

    Hazel Bain


    Pleasant vendors. Tasty food. Wide variety of menus to satisfy anyone, from vegetarian cuisine to souse. Ample parking available as well.

  • en

    Michalia Cunningham


    It's a big open fields that is open to all. During Easter there is the annual kite competition. The steel bands play during Carnival. The Botanical Gardens are located here and the Emperor Valley Zoo is near in proximity. Many building surround the Savannah. Queen's Royal College is situated near as well.

  • Joy St. Louis

    Joy St. Louis


    I attended the Army Fete. This open air event was expected to have 15k in attendance being the last of the "people's fetes". The entrances were large if far apart and patrons moved through security quickly. The "special reserve " section had its own bar, food stations and Andy loos which remained stocked and clean. The grounds were surprisingly dry despite earlier rains. Billed as the "safest fete in carnival " it did not disappoint. People and property were secure without an overwhelming police/security presence. Officers to aid direct traffic at the end would have been welcomed. The Savannah as a venue held up to the many, many performers and large but manageable crowd.

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