Rituals Coffee House i Piarco

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoRituals Coffee House



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JM26+H4V, Piarco, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-712-5253
internet side: www.ritualscoffeehouse.com
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Latitude: 10.6014985, Longitude: -61.3397124

kommentar 5

  • Stafford Bocus

    Stafford Bocus


    Good place to go

  • Roger Seegobin

    Roger Seegobin


    Was on my way out and stopped in the Rituals Coffee house upstairs near the departure gates. The service was less than acceptable. Customers deserve better service. Employeers please educate your staff of the importance of good customer service. Looking forward to the improvement.

  • Mc Kesha SERRANT

    Mc Kesha SERRANT


    I wanted a cafe latte and the cashier said no change. I ordered a cappuccino and u wouldn't believe 2 things. 1. Both staffs, cashier and person making the beverages kept insisting that the cappuccino was a light drink and that I should order something else. I'm like I know what a cappuccino is, trying to remain neutral. 2., I should have left it alone. This was by FAR the lightest cappuccino that I've had in my life... Like literally. It felt like there was only foam in there. The young lady preparing the beverages didn't even clean or at least rinse the equipment to press the beans. Very unsanitary. I wish I could give a 0 start but unfortunately I can't. At least I got refunded.

  • Hyb Cuz

    Hyb Cuz


    Stock of sandwiches etc were low. Staff kept apace with orders and turned them out quickly. Some wholegrain options would be appreciated. Also some tasty vegan items - savoury sweet.

  • Juliana Holder

    Juliana Holder


    First things first.... Don't expect Rituals coffee to taste like Starbucks coffee.... Reason... simple, because it's NOT Starbucks. Rituals has their own flavour and style when it comes to coffee. Their prices are affordable for me. My favourite drink is the Moccachino. Their pastries are really very delicious. my favourites are... All the cookies..(I can't pick just one) Ham & Swiss cheese croissants, They have a variety of Muffins... just like the cookies I can't pick just one. They have a lot to offer, whatever your craving... Rituals can satisfy it.

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