PriceSmart i Penal/Debe Regional Corporation

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPriceSmart



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2, South Trunk Road, Penal/Debe Regional Corporation, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-697-1075
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.2488508, Longitude: -61.4852831

kommentar 5

  • Roma Sieukaran-Dass

    Roma Sieukaran-Dass


    Great service, spacious aisles, plenty parking. Always remember to copy the receipt whenever you buy items on warranty. Keep the receipt safe. In case any issues with the item on warranty PriceSmart usually gives you the option to take another one of the item, offer to repair it or ask if you want your money back.

  • Marlon Alexander

    Marlon Alexander


    Plenty cars but no long lines, also got everything I needed.

  • Tyrone Diaz

    Tyrone Diaz


    Good deals but mainly whole sale or bulk items

  • June Bascombe-martin

    June Bascombe-martin


    The place on Wednesday was crowded The reality hit us when lined up for cashing The lines on the outside were so long ,you had to move your trolley constantly for other shoppers to access the fruit and vegetables section The inner lines cashed out faster so someone should be assigned to redirect customers stuck on outer lines

  • Billy Martin

    Billy Martin


    No line. They are sanitizing everything. Shelves are well stocked as usual. And they introduced online shopping and pick up. Some items that are not in the store can be bought online and picked up.

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