La Tropicale Flower Shop i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoLa Tropicale Flower Shop



🕗 åbningstider

23A, Patna Street, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-628-0769
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6756533, Longitude: -61.5321869

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Mc Intosh

    Nicole Mc Intosh


    I did a last minute arrangement with them and they were helpful, professional and amazing. It came on time and the ideas that was given by them was lovely. Thank you for your impeccable work. My sister loved her flowers.

  • Keisha Sealy

    Keisha Sealy


    So creative, talented and versatile!

  • Garvin K.C.

    Garvin K.C.


    Bernard and his team did the flower arrangements and bouquet for our wedding, we could not have been happier with the work that they did. They are brilliant at what they do.

  • en

    Sally Jacobsen


    I live abroad and wanted to arrange to have flowers arranged and delivered in Diego Martin, Trinidad. My request was pleasantly, politely and professionally managed when I called. I received the advice I needed and asked for a specific payment method due to my being overseas and my company being in Port-of-Spain. Nothing was a problem .... I received all the assistance, gladly, from the polite lady who received my order and details. This flower shop will henceforth be the flower shop for my family as well as my company as I know that I can depend on them for quality of artistic arrangements and fresh flowers. Their "professionalism" , polite and pleasant manner with their knowledge of product, was very obvious. Than you for giving me the confidence of quality in this important request.

  • Morten Lindstrom

    Morten Lindstrom


    Nothing but excellent service! Good skills, creative minds, rapid delivery service when needed, good service minded people Highly recommended

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