Flowers and Decor by Sean Ltd. i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoFlowers and Decor by Sean Ltd.



🕗 åbningstider

18, Salazar Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-4525
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.674341, Longitude: -61.536057

kommentar 5

  • Deen Dass

    Deen Dass


    I recently bought bought a floral arrangement for my sister's birthday. I was very much impressed with the customer service and amazed by the quality and beauty of the item delivered. Thank you for an impressive customer experience once again.

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    Zen Orian


    Flowers were always fresh and my deliveries were always on time. Big thank you Flowers and Decor By SEAN!!! Will certainly let my friends and family in Canada know about your services offered. Definitely ordering again soon!!! Cheers!!!

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    cesar maza


    i live in Australia and My Girlfriend lives in Trinidad, and she loves the flowers, thanks to flowers and decor by Sean, my Girl told me that the arrangement was so Beautiful, I'm very grateful because the service was very efficient and professional. I will definitely be ordering more in the future. thanks so much

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    candice welch


    I was introduced to Flowers and Decor by Sean by a very close friend of mine who has been using their service for over 10 yrs and I was told by my friend Candice I know that you are particular, you can close your eyes and order from Sean and know that you would be satisfied. Needless to say I was not disappointed. In fact the high level of service and professionalism displayed and the ease with which I could place my order far exceeded my expectation. They're on a different level. The arrangement itself was exquisite and so artistic. I also appreciated the direct communication with me when a particular flower wasnt available and discussion on what would be used to replace it. I was overall super impressed and I would recommend Flowers and Decor by Sean without hesitation so keep it up. Your standard surpasses every other!

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    Kathy-Ann Charles


    Had the pleasure of dealing with Sean from Flowers and Décor by Sean. He was extremely professional and patient as I tried to explain exactly what I needed. He understood my needs and created the most beautiful arrangement. Delivery was prompt and he followed up with a phone to ensure I was satisfied. THANK YOU Sean!! Will definitely be doing business with you again.

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