Inn at 87 i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoInn at 87


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87 Woodford Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-4343
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6653069, Longitude: -61.5174791

kommentar 5

  • en

    Reuel Burkett


    A really great small hotel. Not many rooms, but the surroundings are very well kept, the hotel is very clean, rooms are pretty comfortable, and the staff is friendly and efficient

  • Abigail Johnson

    Abigail Johnson


    Charming place... Well priced for the quality and great location for knocking about... it's close to a bar so be mindful if you're a light sleeper

  • Nerma Bojcic

    Nerma Bojcic


    Nice rooms with comfortable beds, safe neighborhood, pleasent staff and tasty breakfast..what more could you need? Yes, a fanatastic location near queen park savannah and right next to Kaiso, a wonderful calypso/jazz/blues spot where you can really enjoy true culture of Trinidad.

  • danielle elliott

    danielle elliott


    Though the room was small and tightly packed with the addition of a second bed, the kind staff and great breakfast served by a friendly crew more than made up for it.

  • Shaquille Kerr

    Shaquille Kerr


    Kind and friendly staff with cozy rooms. Value for the money. It's also close to the savanna and the embassy. Lovely breakfast selection also. All round lovely place to stay at. AC rooms, cable, hot water and parking.

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