Tzar i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoTzar


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Port of Spain, Republik Trinidad und Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1-868
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Latitude: 10.6617361, Longitude: -61.5234987

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nigel Lord


    I don't rate this place because on two off my times there they have an lot off people standing outside an when u reach Inside the place is very much empty given you an impression the club is full. And also they say women free b 4 11 men 40 but they have you standing outside for long just to go inside so 11 will come an u have to pay the full 100 to go in

  • en

    Christ Reid


    Spacious very comfortable with secure liming experience .bar staff serve you quick .place is fully ac and washroom are always clean and tidy

  • auto cache

    auto cache


    Its cool and trendy, however the morden design in the place makes it kinda hard to move around.

  • Mark Pouchet

    Mark Pouchet


    Trendy night club on the popular Avenue

  • Chad Carrington

    Chad Carrington


    Great location on the 'The Avenue' but the club itself is a bit small. The wait to get in was a bit long and tedious for no reason. It's wasn't even half packed when I finally went in. The club itself looks great but as with most parties or clubs your experience is mostly subjective.

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