Toyota Trinidad & Tobago Ltd. i San Juan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoToyota Trinidad & Tobago Ltd.



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130, Seventh Street, San Juan, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-674-8885
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6477923, Longitude: -61.4693223

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Jake Assue-Supersad

    Anthony Jake Assue-Supersad


    Very limited showroom vehicles, only three when I went. Staff are helpful-ish. But vehicles are rediculously overpriced for what you get.

  • Adele Baig

    Adele Baig


    It's a service for my car so I know it will take some time, but the service staff make it worth the wait. Always ready to listen and offer great advice.

  • en

    Paul Brown


    Customer service was lacking. Setup for the service department was not at all efficient and they want way to much money for basic universal parts. Convinced me that Toyota will not be my next vehicle. They also will not touch import vehicles. Ignore the fact the same vehicle was sold all around the world. They want to punish you for not buying from their dealership. Blossom was the only saving grace to the whole ordeal. She was very pleasant to deal with.

  • Shedley Branche

    Shedley Branche


    After years of driving another brand of vehicle, I decided to give Toyota a try. After the initial "free" service two months after being bought, I started getting a screeching sound when the brakes is applied. Within the 7 months of having this new vehicle, I have gone in a total of 5 times to get this brakes issue sorted and it still hasn't been rectified. The front office attendants' service is good, but their mechanics appear inferior. I won't be buying another Toyota after this experience.

  • Paul Dopwell

    Paul Dopwell


    Although the servicing is good, it is slow. I also don't appreciate the fact that I wasn't told in advance that additional time is required for the particular servicing. Recommending leaving the car and coming back is only helpful if told in advance. Disappointing customer service.

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