Port of Spain Terminal i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPort of Spain Terminal


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Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1-868
internet side: ttitferry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6472098, Longitude: -61.5123264

kommentar 5

  • Roman Dilgento

    Roman Dilgento


    You can buy a boat ticket here and fly by plane.

  • David Warner

    David Warner


    It's the hub of travel in and around Port of Spain and other cities and towns.

  • en

    Roger Clarke


    Vast improvement from years ago.

  • Gary Howard

    Gary Howard


    Small ferry terminal travelling to Tobago. Always friendly staff and easy to use. Parking is an issue if you are waiting for foot oassengers

  • Jovan Campbell

    Jovan Campbell


    So we have a situation where our ferry tickets are misspelled. If the name of the ticket doesn't match the name on our identification, we won't be able to travel. We called and was told to speak to a manager at the port terminal. We get there, the first lady at the information window was pleasant. And directed us to window 6 where the unnecessary obstacles were encountered. Instead of taking a few minutes to correct the names, they told us to wait until the day of travel which will be extremely busy to correct the names at 4 in the morning. This is risky because the next supervisor can easily say the tickets are not ours due to the misspellings on 6 of our 8 ferry tickets. After a time which could have been used to correct the tickets, we were rudely asked to leave because of the long line of inaccurate tickets of people trying to leave the same day. Is being proactive about correcting misspellings on travel tickets a horrible concept? Why can't they understand my lack of trust when I'm consistently given bad information on how to correct this problem?. I Hope we didn't waste money on misspelled tickets.

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