Port of Spain General Hospital i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPort of Spain General Hospital



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Upper Charlotte Street, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-623-2951
internet side: www.health.gov.tt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6613121, Longitude: -61.5075229

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kane Wendill


    I know the one of the docs here gill his family stole land from their brothers and brother in laws he got a security guard fired he married a rich girl his friends are the one percent thats how he got into med school he is not very bright he just kissed his way into the postion.

  • Stephanie Roberts

    Stephanie Roberts


    Busy,doctors work round the clock for their patients!!

  • Roman Dilgento

    Roman Dilgento


    The hospital is unpleasant it needs serious renovation. This is a place where the sick is treated not a place to infect people. There is always a long line in the emergency waiting room. You at not allowed to view your sick mom if you are under the age of 18 or if you are her only family under the age of 18. The workers don't have much experience in communication skills though their attitude and behavior can vary from different employees. This hospital sometimes only have 1 doctor in staff at times. Food and beverages is available on the outside. This hospital can save a life but it needs a lot of work done to make the place seems less fearful, this hospital also don't have children doctors here so don't bother to bring the sick kids.

  • en

    Nicky Carew


    The wait at the various clinics is usually very long. The wards are hot and uncomfortable and basic amenities are lacking ie, soap, toilet paper, hand sanitizer. The doctors and nurses are quite good, but some of them have little to no bedside manner. An upgrade is desperately needed.

  • Rowan Bharath

    Rowan Bharath


    I just want to thank the staff at the POSGH for the care they gave to my mother for the period Dec 03 to Dec08 2016. The nurses were very professional and especially Dr Douglas who was well prepared to give us a status on the condition of my mother and also his suggestions on how to make my mom more comfortable. Unfortunately. my mom passed away on Dec 08, but she did commented on the professional attention she she received from the staff. I know it is very common now-a -days to criticize public service, but in this instance the POSGH staff in the Women's ward were exemplary in their attention and compassion. My family salute you and my God's blessings follow you.

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