MovieTowne i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoMovieTowne


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Invader's Bay, Port of Spain, Trynidad i Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-627-2002
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6587931, Longitude: -61.5329304

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jason Cunha


    My favourite cinema multiplex. Get there a little early as the concession lines can take on average 30 minutes. Average seating and average sound make for a fair to good cinema experience. Love that it's also in the midst of several reasonably priced restaurants so makes for a wonderful location for a date or venue to play catch up with friends and family.

  • Nyzal Poy Wing

    Nyzal Poy Wing


    Parking sucks on busy days, but it's clean and mostly secure. Family friendly and a pretty decent place for anyone to hang out. Cinema concession stand lines are the worst for evening shows. Get there early, get a parking spot, get your snacks and hopefully get to the seat you want first.

  • Joevon A. Borde

    Joevon A. Borde


    If you come to Trinidad and Tobago yet never heard of MovieTowne, change your tour guide immediately. MovieTowne is our primary hub of entertainment when it comes to movies and general wasting time. After MovieTowne, other cinemas came, but MovieTowne has set the bar with quality (first). This may be debatable for some, but MovieTowne's prices are ridiculous: $50 for a 2D movie ticket (Adult) $65 for a 3D movie ticket (Adult) $35 for a 2D movie ticket (Adult ONLY on Tuesdays) Late movies run until 11pm on Friday and Saturday nights only. They provide discounts to TTARP members (60+ citizens) They also provide a "punch" card which gives you a free movie after 10 movie purchases. Food and drink are expensive as hell, eat before you go but if you insist on eating there, prepare to pay x2+ the usual price of things you pay for outside. $44 for the "popular" chicken special (3 chicken strips, fries and a drink) it went up from $28 when they realized it was a hot sell. $20-65 for food generally Popcorn goes anywhere between $20 - $35 depending on usual, caramel, small, medium or large. $8 for a bottle of water $8-25 for drinks generally You get my drift. They are expensive.

  • en

    Roger Corbie


    Comfortable and clean surroundings. Screen rooms and toilets have been maintained very well over the years and refurbished when necessary. The concessions area sometimes moves slowly so you can't go there last minute and not miss some of the movie and personally most of the food and snack options are not my choices but they're well patronized so the average person should get something they like.

  • en

    Shauna Sammy


    They have an affordable menu and it's a fun place to relax and watch a movie. You can also indulge in dessert at the ice cream shops. Lots of parking space as well.

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