KFC i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoKFC



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Independence Square & Broadway, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-225-4532
internet side: kfc-tt.com
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Latitude: 10.6494766, Longitude: -61.509372

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Gordon

    Anthony Gordon


    Didn't have want I wanted on that day which is often a normal for them and I still believe the cashier layout is ineffecient and could be improved, the customer service is most times poor from the cashier's, the servers all the way up to the managers, the only reason I still patronize the location is that my daughter likes their popcorn chicken, parking is a nightmare as well, when done well their chicken abd biscuits can taste really good but it's often too inconsistent to fully recommend

  • dee fra

    dee fra


    Thumbs up. Fast service

  • carlos fermin

    carlos fermin


    I love the spacy one soooo delicous

  • vanessa mohammed

    vanessa mohammed


    Even thought the price went up its just so convenient when you want to get a quick meal

  • Star Wallace

    Star Wallace


    This KFC is located in the center of Brian Lara Promenade. It is very busy always crowded. Services pretty much okay and quick very popular establishment

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