JTA Supermarkets, Marabella i Marabella

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoJTA Supermarkets, Marabella



🕗 åbningstider

Southern Main Road, Allum's Centre, Marabella, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-658-1425
internet side: www.jtasupermarkets.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.3026515, Longitude: -61.4492528

kommentar 5

  • laura lalchan

    laura lalchan


    Clean environment. .the breads and pastries are delicious....nice fresh fruits always available.

  • en

    Bevon Vincent


    It a beautiful wide place ,safe and secured and it close to the taxi stand .it is cheaper and safe.

  • en

    Tony Elder


    Helpful and friendly staff. Also you can find quality items.

  • Philip Siong

    Philip Siong


    JTA has been in this location decades now, serving the community of Marabella and beyond. Prices are considered normal. The most vexing thing here is finding a parking space, especially on a Friday and on weekend. If you don't anticipate having a large load, it easier to park east of the Marabella Market. The walk can’t do you harm.

  • en

    Cephes Finch


    There are some products that I usually purchased that I don't buy anymore because of the price hikes are just rediculous ,like the cashew nuts which use to be $55 now it's $77 outrageous

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