Standard Distributors i San Fernando

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoStandard Distributors



🕗 åbningstider

San Fernando, Republik Trinidad und Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1-868
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.2777563, Longitude: -61.4545829

kommentar 5

  • Ravichandra Debie

    Ravichandra Debie


    Customer friendly. Was very pleased with service and the prices were great.

  • en

    Esther Rodriguez


    Good prices and in store service, they phone me to confirm if I would be home on Saturday so that my 4 items could be deliver , Which was payed for in full. No one came nor was I informed so I sat at home waiting and waiting. Ash Wednesday I waited all day, they never came and no one from the store called, then I called and finally when they came, 1 item was missing, one item was the wrong colour. After calling to inform them of the situation, I still did not receive a call from them on Friday. I had to take time off to go down to the store, only to be told that the colour I wanted was no longer available. And that the factory would make one by next Wednesday But they can't say when it will be delivered, terrible delivery service, lack of communication. Absolutely Awful.

  • Chantal Laing

    Chantal Laing


    I went to buy an entertainment unit. There was a wide variety of products and the prices were very good. It took an hour for the unit to be delivered which is very commendable. While the customer service was good, it took too long to get assistance. Additionally, the lack of parking is a big issue however.

  • Nicholas Ramlochan

    Nicholas Ramlochan


    Quality products at decent prices.

  • Dazell Bramble

    Dazell Bramble


    This place has a wide selection of Furniture, Electronics and Appliances.. They have easy and affordable payment plans that won't hurt your wallet. The staff is also extremely helpful and would try their best to facilitate any questions you have. Highly recommended for anyone looking to furnish their home or business.

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