Pearl Island i Tobago

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPearl Island


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Union School Road East, Claxton Bay, Couva-Tabaquite-Talparo, Trinidad and, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 973-946-3531
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Latitude: 10.3432145, Longitude: -61.4525668

kommentar 3

  • Andrea Harvey

    Andrea Harvey


    I had a great stay at Pearl Island! It's a great escape from the busyness of town (Port of Spain). There was such positive and rejuvenating energy emitting from the land. The owners put their heart and soul (and many hours of their lives) into taking care of the land and it has been passed down from generation to generation, so it is a good feeling knowing that locals own the land. I would definitely recommend my friends and family to stay here. I will stay at Pearl Island every time I go back to Trinidad! Home is where the heart is! #SweetTnT

  • Candace Harvey

    Candace Harvey


    Pearl island is a lovely place to escape to. The ambiance is amazing! I absolutely love coming here and will be back in November. Great for seeing birds and lots of fruits on the land!

  • John E Harvey Jr.

    John E Harvey Jr.


    Great outdoor atmosphere. Peaceful, breezy secluded.

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