Pax Guest House i Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoPax Guest House


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48, Saint John Road, Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation, TT Trinidad und Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-662-4084
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6629592, Longitude: -61.3953459

kommentar 5

  • justsebastian



    The guest house up the hill on Mt. St. Benedict is a lovely spot. It is a quite place to stay. Visits to places around the area like the Caroni Bird Sanctuary and other tourists sight seeing spots can be organised for you if you wish. Lunch meetings and dinners can also be organised here as well. You will have to travel down St. Johns road to Tunapuna or Curepe if you want to buy personal stuff. A small maxi (small 15 seater) bus from the Monastery does the transporting up and down. It cost a dollar each way. Lovely sight from up here too.

  • Sheira Chan

    Sheira Chan


    Ohhhh definitely worth a visit just to see the humming birds. The afternoon tea wasn't bad either. You need a reservation. We were late for our reservation about an hour due to car issues but they still served us.

  • Sha Douglas

    Sha Douglas


    The View is amazing, very quiet and peaceful. Full of nature. The staff makes you feel like family. Just make sure that you bring lots of bug repellent because there are a lot of mosquitos. I had to sleep with bug repellent on every night.

  • Edison Hoolasie

    Edison Hoolasie


    Pleasant experience. Friendly service. Reasonable Prices. Will Recommend !

  • HoPe Pierre Castell

    HoPe Pierre Castell


    Kirchliche Führung des Hauses, sehr freundlich, kleiner Willkommensimbiss, Kolibris werden an der Terrasse gefüttert

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