Laughlin & DeGannes i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoLaughlin & DeGannes



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37, Dundonald Street, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad og Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-625-1712
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6606681, Longitude: -61.5137862

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Lalbeharry


    Wide variety of tools very kind and helpful staff will be back soon to get more tools and prices very good

  • en

    Brian Herbert


    Good prices and reasonably knowledgeable staff.

  • Nicholas Ellis

    Nicholas Ellis


    I subscribe to Milwaukee tools and there's no better place for prices and service (machine or customer). Keep up the good work guys!

  • Joel N. Farrell

    Joel N. Farrell


    frequent shopper at LDG...they carry most of the higher end lines in tools for professionals but they also have reasonably priced options for the DIYer!

  • en

    Lisa R


    How to Lose New Customers in One Phone Call 101: I called 625 1712 ext 5600 (Laughlin and De Gannes). A lady answer (she gave me her name which I won't reveal here). I asked for information on their multi-lock (cars). She transferred the call, a man picked up and transferred me back to her. She transferred me again, a woman picked up and transferred me back to her, she transferred me again - this time someone picked up and hung up. I said the same thing 4 times without a response. Never calling them back. So then I called Oscar Francois, a woman picked up. She transferred me to a man. He answered me as patiently as possible then tried to contact the person who normally do the installation. That person wasn't available. So the man gave me a contact and a name to call back...and how much it would cost, my options, and the time it would take. I believe Oscar Francois just got my business and those of my friends and family.

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