Key of David International i Pointe-A-Pierre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoKey of David International



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297 Mac Naughton Jones Street, Plaisance Park, Pointe-A-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-279-3455
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.3338843, Longitude: -61.4554169

kommentar 5

  • en

    Keren ATWELL


    An Awesome church where the word of God can be felt. Awesome pastors doing work for the Lord. I always feel welcome and loved when I am there. Keep up the good work and may God's hand continue to be upon you all.

  • Key of David International

    Key of David International


    We are excited about making Jesus Christ famous. All we talk about is Christ and revealing the love of the Father. We demonstrate love and we walk by faith and not by sight! We are a non denominational church, preach and teach the full gospel right divided, with GrÀce and commitment to the first century church in Acts 2

  • en

    Nat Brathwaite


    Refreshing, inviting , always filled with God's word

  • en

    Support LL


    I love visiting this church wil my family. The Pastor preaches and teaches in a way that I can understand even my children understand it. I take the powerful and encouraging words and share them with my loved ones as soon as I go home! Every week it’s something new.

  • mwale henry

    mwale henry


    A place of friendship, family and divine encounter. An environment where model citizens are born and destiny comes alive

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