Johns Supermarket Ltd & JLB Wholesalers i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoJohns Supermarket Ltd & JLB Wholesalers



🕗 åbningstider

Upper Bournes Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-622-5251
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6772655, Longitude: -61.5348979

kommentar 5

  • Valerie Decle

    Valerie Decle


    They have much reasonable pricses, the casher was very corperatetive an I felt comfortable ,as I entered a guy was at the entrance, i said good morning he was very plesent an it was my first time going there ..

  • Krystal Thompson

    Krystal Thompson


    Great prices and wonderful staff.

  • leslie browne

    leslie browne


    Prices were somewhat reasonable. The staff is friendly. Got most of what I needed. Aisles are spacious and clean

  • Alana Sinanan

    Alana Sinanan


    Johns supermarket is very affordable to the people who lives in the area and close by neighbours,all the isles are properly well packed and displayed , every and anything you can think about johns supermarket has a wide variety. Parking is a problem when coming to month end the space is very limited in the car park.

  • Terriann Broomes

    Terriann Broomes


    Very affordable ,have a little of everything,staff is always nice they follow protocols to the t.I love their prices.Thank you John.

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