Hasely Crawford Stadium i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoHasely Crawford Stadium



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Wrightson Extension Road, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-225-4886
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6615228, Longitude: -61.5322803

kommentar 5

  • en

    Candice Andrews


    Safe and secure. The guards are really helpful and attentive. The stadium is well maintained

  • en

    Michael Windsor


    Football field seems to be best maintained aspect of the facility. Toilets in need of repair. Well used facility, a lot of activities each evening, athletics, netball, basketball, field events and general fitness.

  • Anthony Jake Assue-Supersad

    Anthony Jake Assue-Supersad


    Went here for Machel monday. Very large area for hosting parties or fetes. A lot bigger than most would require. Ample seating on both sides of stadium. For this specific event, there were trailer washrooms available so i cant comment on behalf of the regular ones.

  • Felix Brown

    Felix Brown


    It is the oldest and largest Stadium in Trinidad and Tobago. Most International soccer matches are played there as well as many other sporting events. The beauty is it's location .

  • en

    michael tuitt


    A great sporting arena mainly for football and athletics. It forms part of a complex that was built to host the 5th World Netball Championships in 1979 and later dedicated and named for Jean Pierre. The stadium was opened in 1982 and in 1996 it was designated the Hasely Crawford Stadium.

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