D'Lime Inn i Diego Martin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoD'Lime Inn


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75 Benjamin St., Diego Martin, Trynidad i Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-221-0876
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6947207, Longitude: -61.5547711

kommentar 5

  • en

    Troy Baggoo


    Ok cool to relax

  • Ricardo Sutton

    Ricardo Sutton


    Nice place to lime

  • uz

    jainath ramdan



  • Ancil Des Vignes

    Ancil Des Vignes


    The atmosphere,the vibe...can uplift ur spirits anytime

  • en

    K M


    ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE , Dlime Inn does not even deserve a star but because we have to rate to comment I gave it one.,I spent 5 days at Dlime Inn WATER LESS, after informing Cathy on a million and one occasions she claims it's a country wide issue but then to realize that it was her maintenance guy that kept turning the water on and off on us while using, I was in the middle of a shower when the water was turned off on me, I was stuck in the shower with soap all over my body, Not to mention I was sleeping on a bed that was broken, I realized this bed was broken as I sat on it and and the bed fell apart and I was stuck.All the other beds were no different, the bed are placed on bricks with some having ply wood in the middle of the bed and the floor on top the bricks. DO NOT GO TO DLIME, Airbnb needs to take away Cathy's Airbnb License and the tourist board of Trinidad and Tobago needs to investigate the Inn for Fraud, what they place on the website is not what the offer. DO NOT DO IT.

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