Digicel IMAX i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoDigicel IMAX


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Damian Street, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-299-4629
internet side: cinemaonett.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6678523, Longitude: -61.5274538

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Redhead

    Christopher Redhead


    Doesn't get any better than this. Way better than movietowne and the ambience is amazing. You get what you pay for

  • Brandon Ramcharan

    Brandon Ramcharan


    What else can be said about IMAX other than it was a great experience. Audio and visuals were great and balanced. Concession stands could be better with a little more range in food options.

  • Gerard Rochford

    Gerard Rochford


    Out of this world experience for the whole family if you are a movie lover. Do note the cost for enjoying such an experience is also out of this world... But worth it!

  • Sasiya Albert

    Sasiya Albert


    Gemstone theatre was great. Spacious and very comfortable. The food was great and the service was excellent !

  • en

    Shauna Sammy


    Definitely the best place in Trinidad to see a movie. The food is a bit high priced but there are cheaper alternatives like gourmet hotdogs. However if you want a more personalised viewing and privacy there are the gem stone cinemas available as an option. The gem stone cinemas are worth the price in my opinion because of the luxuries of the cinema. However if you can afford a gem stone ticket, be ready to pay gourmet prices for the food.

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