Courtyard by Marriott Port of Spain i Port of Spain

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Trinidad og TobagoCourtyard by Marriott Port of Spain



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Invaders Bay, Audrey Jeffers Hwy, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-627-5555
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.6597565, Longitude: -61.5343219

kommentar 5

  • Gary Richardson

    Gary Richardson


    Spacious rooms with WiFi and a mix of entertainment available on the television. The breakfast setup is amazing with traditional American breakfasts offered. Coffee and juice bar is available with breakfast and bottled water upon request. Very comfortable seating arrangements with personal televisions. Hotel staff was very pleasant and efficient. Rooms were very clean and bottled water was stocked in room also. Great location next to Movie Towne. I would stay here again.

  • Brian Won

    Brian Won


    Apparently a Courtyard by Marriott is a luxury hotel around here, with luxury hotel pricing? That said the rooms are large, clean, and the hotel feels well-run... down to the spotless white-painted wrought-iron fence and security watching your parked car. Location isn't bad either, right off a main road and apparently the one big mall in the area, which is useful if you want to grab a bite to eat on a Sunday, when everything else is closed...

  • Gina Cares

    Gina Cares


    It was an amazing experience. Staff was extremely friendly especially one named Roxanne... She was amazing to us. The pool was just as the photos the food was delightful and their gym facilities were just enough... Will definitely recommend as its next door movie towne.

  • en

    Colene Hercules Quaccoo


    Excellent rooms, pool, gym, food, service, people. Exvellent hotel !!! Kathleen was the best room attendant ever😊

  • Carol Rao

    Carol Rao


    Staff are so friendly and helpful. Hotel is located next to small mall with restaurants, Starbucks and a movie theater. The included breakfast rate was ordered off a menu with a starter, a breakfast entree, coffee and juice. The on-site taxi service, Europcar, was convenient. I really enjoyed my stay.

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