Courts MegaStore i San Juan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoCourts MegaStore



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Churchill Roosevelt Highway, San Juan, TT Trinidad og Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-800-4222
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.635279, Longitude: -61.456407

kommentar 5

  • Jacqui Cain

    Jacqui Cain


    Excellent service. The sale clerk was very knowledgeable about the item. Friendly environment.

  • en

    Jason Keller


    Buyer beware!!!!! I wish there was a zero star option. Do not sign anything unless you check ever inch of whatever you buy, even if it is in a box or wrapped in plastic. My parents bought a dining room set and the seat of 2 chairs were sliced with a boxcutter!!!!!!!!! Also guy who was supposed to do assembly never showed up...despite us paying $300 for this "service". He wanted to come 3 days after delivery....we assembled it ourselves and got a refund if the $300. But never again. NEVER AGAIN.

  • Sergio M

    Sergio M


    They have everything you can think of on display should you want to view an item before purchase the store is well kept however the customer service on my last visit was poor its not always like that still it needs to improve

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    Patrick Sealey


    My experiences at the Mega Store have been great. Customer friendly staff, good location and adequate parking, all contribute to encourage my return. What would even be greater is a reduction in the price of items!

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    henderson andrews


    Courts Mega Store is the mecca of all furniture and appliances. Great variety of merchandise. Best deals when compared to other competitors. They also provide a cash credit facility to worthy customers. Customers also have an option of taking out a 3 year warranty on purchased items. I can safely endorse Courts Mega Store as the premier provider of home furnishings.

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