Colsort Mall i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoColsort Mall



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Frederick Street, Port of Spain, TT Trinidad og Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-624-0571
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6507199, Longitude: -61.5096486

kommentar 5

  • en

    dixie blackman


    Mal has a variety of shops. You can get herbal products, clothes and shoes. Also someone's to repair your shoes. It is clean.

  • Paul Westfield

    Paul Westfield


    Satisfactory so far,(I usually just buy pastries or buy play when tickets)

  • en

    Kerisha Charles


    A very shabby atmosphere for shopping. However, I visited to use the Ipo Library which was a very useful resource.

  • Chad Rose

    Chad Rose


    It was an alright little mall in Downtown, Port of Spain. Good for browsing, but we didn't really buy too much from any of the shops in there. Be aware of your safety when walking around in the downtown area, it can be rife with pickpockets looking to prey on unwary travelers & tourists. Some vendors will put up the prices when they hear your foreign accent, & others will give lower exchange rates on American dollars so they can change your money for even more tt$ when they exchange it at a higher rate elsewhere. In fact this sort of thing can happen all over Trinidad, so travelers beware, & just be safety conscious when out & about with your money & loved ones.

  • houlder matthews barcelo

    houlder matthews barcelo


    If u want the best hair dresser in Colsort go to lust long hair and asked for Yvonne. And make up artise asked for Asha. And eye brow asked for Nolan get everyhing at lush long hair.

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