Colfire i Port of Spain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Trinidad og TobagoColfire



🕗 åbningstider

Duke Street, Port of Spain, TT Republik Trinidad und Tobago
kontakter telefon: +1 868-623-2201
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 10.6550986, Longitude: -61.5111967

kommentar 5

  • Ainsley Nixon

    Ainsley Nixon


    I am generally not liking this company at the moment. But it has my stuff so we go rally. Please mine the adjuster, he looks at you with this judgemental look he tries to passes off as serious. Looking at you like you were the cause of the accident despite what was said. And prepare for a little wait before seeing and agent.

  • Brandon Ramcharan

    Brandon Ramcharan


    Best Insurance and procedures in the market

  • Karen Edwards

    Karen Edwards


    One of the best insurance companies in Trinidad. Very friendly staff!! Online payments. Online assistance!!!

  • en

    Essence Johnson


    This company does not allow people of color to wear their hair naturally without being "warned" about complying to dress code. That is beyond ridiculous. Racism and oppression at its finest.

  • en

    Satina Williams


    For a company to use dress code to police black employees is disgusting! People cannot choose what type of hair they are born with just like we cannot choose the hue of our skin tone. What you feel is the "correct" texture of hair, has absolutely no influence on someone's ability to do their job. Find someone else to pick on because our culture has never been one to take things sitting down.

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